Let’s Make Some Magic Together!

Current Service Offerings

  • I specialize in working with children, teens and families, in the areas of anxiety, relationships, self-love and confidence. I have expertise in working with gifted, highly sensitive, meurodivergent and introverted learners.

    I use my 20+ years background as a licensed psychotherapist, yoga teacher and intuitive channel to help overcome obstacles, solve creative challenges, inspire new ideas and support your children in feeling the freedom to create the life of their dreams.

    The first step is to send me a message and let me know a bit about what you could use some support with. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Rates begin at $180 for a 45-minute session.

  • Are you ready to take action on putting all the pieces together to create a holistic program for kids that highlights your unique approach?

    Do you have all the credentials and experience you need to step into this new leadership role, but yet, something is still holding you back?

    I can help you bring your dream into reality! Let’s collaborate to break down all those last barriers and refine your program details so you can make the impact you’re already ready to make.

    I offer fully customized, 1- and 3- month mentorship programs. Rates begin at $500/month.

  • Are you creating your own microschool, homeschool pod or want to add holistic, social-emotional component to your organization and looking for an expert’s perspective? I can help you create something new from the roots, expand on the approach you already have or support you in integrating my unique approach into your work.